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THE POLYHEDRONIC CRYSTAL GRID - EARTH'S MENTAL BODY The Grid now operates in the 4th dimension as a function of crystal geometry, compromising the 5 platonic solids. Earth's mental body being the sphere of abstract thinking and concrete knowledge. In this Grid the 5 elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Ether) exsist in a more crystaline form, the platonic solids (Fire/Tetrahedron - Earth/Cube - Air/Octahedron - Water/Icosahedron and Ether/Dodecahedron). We can visulize this Grid as a multifaceted Crystal superimposed over the Earth. The Earth in it's mental body is a crystal recepter floating in space. Crystals can amplify and project thought forms, facilitate interdimensional communication, operate as tuning forks to certain individuals, recieve and transmit high energy, maintain balance and harmony, serve as batteries, are archetypal libraries, hold messages, history and codes. The Sun is our source of light, life and conciousness parameters, it is the centre of the Solar System with the Earth revolving around it through the 12 houses of the zodiac during 12 months. The Solar System is also a unified evolving being functioning within it's own light/life/conciousness within a larger controlling body. Like the Earth the Solar System has its own solar web with interpenetrating Grids. Our electromagnetic spectrum which the Sun dispenses and mediates through the Crystal/Mental Grid is both our home and our jail. The Crystal Grid represents the possible Grid doors out of this Sun imposed paridigam, holding the key to anti-gravity. The stellar grid restrictions can be transcended, here human conciousness can depart the Solar System, soaring into other dimensions, giving us freedom from gravity which is none other than weight of the mind/body/emotions bound by the linear time/space net of the grid. The Polyhedronic Grid is like a central distribution centre. The Platonic solids, in this model, recieve the energy impulses from the zodiac houses, other stars and planets, then distribute them down through the succeding 3 grids to the pyhsical Earth and our daily lives, all in accordance with the geometric design. |
THE TERRESTRIAL MEGALITHIC GRIDThe Meagalithic Culture accomplished it's spiritual engineering by means of the landscape Stone Temple. These Temples (i.e. Stonhenge, Abor Low, Rollright) functioned as a recieving station for direct influences from the heavenly constellations and Earth energies thereby uniting Heaven and Earth, all connecting through the Electromagnetic Grid. The extent and abundance of Megalithic sites in Britain alone is staggering. Estimates state there are still 1000 stonechambers, at least 30,000 barrows, 900 stone circles, 3000 hillforts and countless thousands of single standing stones all at varying stages of decay and neglect. The names are multiple and various for the scientific megalithic engineering : Cromlech, Dolmen, Cairns, Stone Row, Pyramid etc.. These are best appreiciated as some of the many precise geomantic tools for conciousness technology once employed by the Master Geomancers of Gaia. The Earth's core, made up of molten iron, conducts electric currents which amplify magnetic fields. The electromotive force is drawn off through the Electromagnetic Grid centres (megalithic sites) from which free and inexhaustable supplies of energy can be drawn. Quote by John Michell 'A great scientific instrument lies sprawled over the entire surface of the Globe. The vast scale of prehistoric engineering is not yet generally recognized'. |
Recommended reading:
ANTI-GRAVITY & THE WORLD GRID edited by David Hatcher Childress
VORTEX FIELD GUIDE - Vortex Research Group
SUPERNATURAL - Graham Hancock